Stage project
What is the process?
We need to get a box from our house, it can be shoe box or any kinds of box. I chose shoe box because it is easy to bring. Second step we need to do paper mach' e to cover the box, then we can paint and decorate our own myth and legend.
How did you make it? Step by step.
1. Find a boxes that can be paint on, shoe box etc.
2. Do a paper mach'e to cover the box or use glue the mixed with water and tissue to cover the box.
3. After you finish let the box dry.
4. Paint your box in to myths and legend theme that you chose.
5.Decorate it with colour paper.
6. Make sure that you have cover the box with paint, and you had make a wings on the middle of the box.
7. make the box dry and you will be finish!
Compare your work to other people's work.
I think that other people works are better than mines because they had more ideas and their ideas were very creative, but iam proud with my own work.
Compare this art to other art that you have done.
This piece of art were not the best one that i done in art class.
What grade do you think you deserve?
I will give myself 5 because it is the grade that i deserve.
What needs to be improved?
I think that the thing that needs to be improve was the paiting part because the colour had similar shades and tones so i think i need to make it have more shades and tones of blue.
How could you improve it?
I could improve by adding more decorations on my stages because it can making the stage have more detail and it could be more beautiful too.
At 8:44 PM, Anonymous said…
"This piece of art were not the best one that i done in art class."
What is the best piece?
Would you like to do this type of art again?
Why did you choose to do this Myth?
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